without surgery or Lasik.
Wake up to clear, sharp vision all day long — with no glasses... no daily contact lenses... and no invasive surgery! Discover Precision Ortho-K. Performed exclusively by the doctors at Azman Eye Care, this technique corrects most prescriptions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Now for those bifocal/progressive wearers, you can throw away your glasses too!
Call 410-561-8050 for your free consultation today and see tomorrow in a whole new light.
Precision Ortho-K is the ideal choice for anyone:
- Interested in Lasik but afraid of complications
- Told they’re not good candidates for Lasik or had unsuccessful surgery
- Involved in sports and needs freedom from contacts and glasses
- Who suffers from dry eyes or allergies making contacts uncomfortable
- Tired of wearing bifocals or needing reading glasses with contact lenses
- Whose career or lifestyle requires liberation from glasses and contacts
Precision Accelerated Orthokeratology
Are you interested in a safe, non-surgical and predictable improvement in your vision? Are you interested in seeing with natural vision for sports, recreational or leisure activities?
Are you interested in a career area such as aviation, law-enforcement, firefighting, or any job that requires better visual acuity?
Are you interested in preventing vision problems such as nearsightedness and astigmatism from developing, or getting worse?
Precision Ortho-K may be your answer!
What is Precision Ortho-K?
Precision Ortho-K is a safe, non-surgical contact lens procedure to reduce or eliminate nearsightedness and astigmatism, dramatically improving the natural vision. The Precision Ortho-K procedure was developed in 1962 and has provided corrective eye care to thousands of patients through the therapeutic use of contact lenses. A series of Precision Ortho-K lenses are fitted in progressive stages to gently reshape the eye's front curvature to improve visual errors.
Like all human systems, the visual mechanism is subject to defects. However, most of these defects can be optically corrected with eyeglasses and contact lenses, and are not related t the disease. In the same sense that teeth may be straightened by the use of braces, structural irregularities of the eye (refractive errors) can be reduced or eliminated by the use of contact lenses.
Before we proceed further with our discussion on Precision Ortho-K, it might be of help to more fully understand the operations of a normal eye, and the possible refractive errors. We have all heard of the terms Nearsightedness, Farsightedness, and Astigmatism, but few people actually understand them.
First, we need to know what is normal. In a visual system with no refractive error, there is, for every point in space, a focusing of that point on the retina (the light sensitive portion of the eye).
In a nearsighted eye (Myopia), instead of the light focusing to a point on the retina, it is brought to a focus at a point in front of the retina. When the light reaches the retina, instead of producing a point, there is a blurred circle, resulting in poor vision. Myopia is a common problem in young children, adolescents, and college students.
In cases of Farsightedness (Hyperopia), instead of the light rays focusing on the retina, they would come to a point behind the retina.
The third refractive error is Astigmatism. Simplified, it is a condition in which there is more than one point of focus for a point in space. Curvature of the cornea usually is the primary cause of astigmatism.
The Procedure
A series of Precision Ortho-K contact lenses are fitted in progressive stages to gently reshape the pliable cornea towards less curvature and a more spherical shape. This reduces nearsightedness and astigmatism and dramatically improves natural vision. The corneal changes are so gradual, the patient enjoys clear and comfortable vision at all times. The Precision Ortho-K contact lenses consist of a high oxygen permeable material with a special design that encourages corneal curvature changes. The procedure involves thorough examinations, lens changes, and/or lab modifications, each 2-8 weeks until maximum desired results occur. Retainer contact lenses are then worn as necessary to stabilize the newly acquired shape and improved visual performance.
Myopia (Nearsightedness)-- Mild and moderate degrees of myopia-20/200 or better unaided visual acuity, may be corrected to 20/20-20/30. Higher degrees of myopia may achieve dramatic improvements allowing that person to have functional vision without lenses, which would have been previously impossible. Astigmatism-- Most mild astigmatic conditions can be reduced dramatically or eliminated. Higher amounts of astigmatism may be partially improved enhancing visual performance. Hyperopia (Farsightedness)-- Maybe improved to a very limited degree.
With new contact lens designs, and oxygen permeable materials and computerization, results have improved dramatically. Many patients, utilizing these lenses in conjunction with newer techniques, are able to see improved results in much shorter periods of time.
Four university-level research studies have been completed on Precision Ortho-K. These studies include: the University of Houston Optometry School (5 years); University of California at San Diego Medical School (7 years); University of California at Berkeley Optometry School (3 years); and Pacific University Optometry School (5 years). All studies found the procedure to be safe, without harmful side effects, and effective. It was stressed that proper care and continued monitoring of patients under treatment is required. Only experienced practitioners in the field of contact lens therapy should utilize the procedure.
After correction, you simply see better without help from glasses or contact lenses.
Vision improvements occur in months, in weeks, or even days.
Free of surgical risk, the process is convenient and comfortable, not disrupting your visual performance as your eyes are being improved.
All ages benefit.
Natural vision for recreation, sports, and leisure is enhanced dramatically.
Occupational, unaided vision demands may be met for careers such as pilots, policemen, firemen, or any job that requires better visual acuity.
Preventive vision care for children is highly beneficial.
The basic purpose of Precision Ortho-K is to improve visual function. Not everyone can presently benefit by these procedures, but for many, there is now a safe, non-surgical approach to improving and restoring vision.
Ortho-K Review
Q: A child's vision changes. Is POK appropriate for children and teenagers?
A: Yes, absolutely, POK is used to retard the progression of nearsightedness and other refractive errors, and leave children and teenagers with a bright future.
Q: Is POK permanent?
A: After treatment and maximum results are achieved, retainer lenses are worn to stabilize the new corneal shape. Failure to wear the retainer lens on an ongoing basis will result in the return to the pre-existing prescription. Retainers may be prescribed during day or night.
For more information or to schedule a free consultation or screening,
call Azman Eye Care Specialists at 410-561-8050.